Dev C++ Background Color Code
Function textbackground is used to change current background color in text mode. See available colors. Declaration: void textbackground(int color); C programming code for textbackground. Sep 17, 2017 c program to change output text and background color in hindi How to use system function in c to execute dos commands all videos.
Property Value
A value that specifies the background color of the console; that is, the color that appears behind each character. The default is black.
Dev C++ Background Color Code Free
The color specified in a set operation is not a valid member of ConsoleColor.
The user does not have permission to perform this action.
An I/O error occurred.
The following example saves the values of the ConsoleColor enumeration to an array and stores the current values of the BackgroundColor and ForegroundColor properties to variables. It then changes the foreground color to each color in the ConsoleColor enumeration except to the color that matches the current background, and it changes the background color to each color in the ConsoleColor enumeration except to the color that matches the current foreground. (If the foreground color is the same as the background color, the text isn't visible.) Finally, it calls the ResetColor method to restore the original console colors.
How to declare variables in dev c++. When we create variables we call this the variable declaration, and then when we set them for the first time, we call this the initialization. To declare a variable in C, we write the data-type that we want the variable to contain, followed by the variable's name, followed by a semicolon. Creating a variable reserves a memory location, or a space in memory for storing values. The compiler requires that you provide a data type for each variable you declare. Here some point to remember - C offer a rich assortment of built-in as well as user defined data types. Integer, a built-in type, represents a whole number value. The concept of a variable is borrowed from mathematics. Stores the value 1 in the variable x. From that point forward, the mathematician can use the variable x in place of the constant 1 — until he changes the value of x to something else. Variables work the same way in C. Jun 25, 2003 To declare the variable 'age,' simply type the data type (int) in front of it. Notice that you can specify the type of data you want the function main to return. This next program uses a few more variables. It retrieves the user's age, as well as their height, weight, hair color, and eye color. In C, variables must be declared and they must be assigned a type. Fortunately, C provides a number of variable types. See the table for a list of variables, their advantages, and limitations. Common C Variable Types Variable Defining a Constant What It Is int 1 A simple counting number, either positive or negative.
Dev C++ Background Color Code Download
A change to the BackgroundColor property affects only output that is written to individual character cells after the background color is changed. To change the background color of the console window as a whole, set the BackgroundColor property and call the Clear method. The following example provides an illustration.
A get operation for a Windows-based application, in which a console does not exist, returns ConsoleColor.Black.